Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's Finally Here

I know we don't have a post for Eng201 this week but I'm determined to keep this blog alive, even if I'm the only soul who takes the time to read it. I used to do a lot of personal writing and keep this running word document with the things that cluttered my head and needed a good home. I find it easier to think about school, work, and other things if the useless topics that I ponder on a daily basis get out in some form or another.

I'm extremely excited for the end of the year. I ready to get back home and work, see my girlfriend and old friends. I have a ton planned for this summer. I'm going to Florida for my girlfriend's cousins wedding. I'm spending 5 days at Country USA. I have a ten day Organic Chem. Lab Boot Camp at Marshfield and since my brother is a high school senior and some of my friends also have siblings my brothers age, we have graduation parties lined up all summer. Yet part of me doesn't want to leave Madison. It's hard to explain, but you grow used to a place and leaving just makes you feel empty. I remember when I was younger going up north for the weekends. We'd leave Friday afternoon and spend two and a half days swimming, fishing, riding the dirt bikes, and whatever I could find to entertain myself. Come Sunday I knew we had to go back to De Pere and school would follow the next day. But something inside me always felt missing when I got home, like I wasn't part of where I was. I was still back up north at the cabin. I guess what I'm trying to say if a weird way is that I'm going to miss Madison over the Summer yet I'm compelled to go home for so many good reasons and I know once i settle in at home for a few days that feeling will vanish.

Well on a different note, I hope everyone survives finals week and either has a great summer and finds a job if they are graduating. It's been a pleasure meeting all of you in Eng201, take care.

I'm Out!