Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Research Progress and Spring Break

I have been having a really hard time with the research involving negative political advertising. My first intention was to argue for the positive aspects of negative ads and how they outperform positive or neutral ads. This proved to impossible and it was this Tuesday before I had given up all hope on my argument and decided to flip my argument to why negative ads don’t work well and shouldn’t be used. There is a ton of information backing this idea. I don’t agree with negative ads, but I wanted to try and argue a stance that seemed less intuitive. However, for the sake of being able to accomplish a full draft by the second workshop I’m switching my topic. So overall research hasn’t been going well and my first draft is going to be short due to the recent topic swap. I spent far too much time pursuing my first idea to have much done for tomorrow.

For spring break I have no big plans. I’m going to go home, sleep in late, and work on this paper…..NOT! I might go to Milwaukee and visit the “Body Works” exhibit with some friends. The things they can do with chemical processing and new technologies are spectacular. I saw it back in high school, but that entire showcase is amazing. I would highly recommend it to those who haven’t seen it. Other than that I might do some bowling and I guess what I’m really excited for is seeing my girlfriend. I haven’t had a chance to since winter break because of her track meets and my bowling. For the most part, I’m looking forward to a quiet week at home with no deadlines looming over my head and home cooked meals. I wish you all a relaxing break, wherever you call home, or wherever you end up next week and Happy Easter for those who celebrate it.


At March 31, 2008 at 6:41 PM , Blogger WiscoKid said...

I too went home for Spring Break. I think I gettin too old and poor for the big spring break bash scene. Although it would be nice, Green Bay is pretty nice as well. Relaxing and such, can't get much better.


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