Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is Writing?

Writing is many things to me. It is all around you everywhere you look and life as we know it wouldn't be the same without it. We would all be grunting and groaning at each like a bunch of cavemen without it. Unless for some strange reason we developed speech without written word, but then how would be teach the phonetics of speech? Anyway, enough crazy chicken or egg talk. Writing is the lyrics to your favorite song, a letter home to grandma, a scientific publication, or even your latest instant message. It's a way to put our thoughts on something more permanent, more tangible. Do you ever see things clearer on paper than if people just tell you them? Writing connects us all at some level. Anyone who can write understands how to use the letters and symbols to create something meaningful. Writing conveys messages from one person to another and not always a literal one. The words often have more subtle meanings and interpretations. This is one thing I wrote once that people would read differently, and can apply it and mold it to their own lives:

Buried in my resolve
I dive beneath the sorrow
To grit my teeth and hide
For the struggle within,
Dies as conscience thought weeps.
No device to bring solitude,
A lonely soul embraces eternity
As lustful dreams devour the remnants of love,
And a soul searches a vast obscurity
To find calm in wasteful illusions of reality.

Everyone is entitled to their own way of taking in writing, this obviously excludes some things, like scientific writing which needs to be read in a certain context in order to make sense. Man has created many extraordinary things in our short time on Earth. Consider early man as he tries to produce fire or the wheel. Think of Newcomen endlessly searching to perfect the steam engine. Where today’s technologies are is truly remarkable, but regardless of what is to come for humankind (more p.c. than mankind), writing is truly humankind's greatest inventions.


At April 27, 2008 at 9:53 AM , Blogger jessicarem said...

I really liked you poem, and I didn't expect something like that. I agree with you that writing is any mode of communication in which we share our inner most feelings and ideas. I often wish I was able to write more often, and write to people. Well I guess through email and AIM I actually do, but I feel that writing like that is very different from sending someone a letter. Writing in letters is a dying art.


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