Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why I'm here and what I've learned about my writing?

For me college was the only option. I want to work in the genetics field and go into research. I’m not sure whether I want to do plant or human genetics yet. It all started with my sophomore biology class in high school. Before then I had never cover genetics in any detail before, but everything was fascinating to me. How a molecule that is modestly simple can give life to such an area of creatures and the machinery that makes them perform is amazing. So college was the only place I could further my education and get into the field I wanted to research, and what better place for genetic research than the university that pioneered stem cells under James Thomson. Right now the plan to get a job with just a bachelor’s degree and maybe come back for master or doctorate later.

I’ve always been very critical of my writing, but I think the biggest thing I’ve learned this semester so far is that I like using long wordy phrases. I just have a tendency to ramble on and as we touch on today in class, I use plenty of metadiscourse. I think I’ve always written like this, but it has never been brought to my attention nor has it been asked of me to fix it. I think writing less creative works is where I tend to run into problems. I feel more constricted and my ideas get boxed when I write these pieces. But I think if I take something from this semester, it’s to trust my ideas and the writing I put work into. The responses I got from our first workshop in class really surprised me. I didn’t think much of the paper, but apparently it was well written in the eyes of my group. So, the two things I want to take are a greater confidence in what I write and to limit my use of wordy clauses.


At March 30, 2008 at 1:41 PM , Blogger jessicarem said...

I too think genetics is absolutely fascinating. This semester I am in microbiology and we are learning about bacterial genetics. The was genes can code for different proteins and basically run an entire living body's system is unbelievable to me. I think you are entering an extremely important field in today's society and that you will be able to have a great impact on many people's lives.

At March 30, 2008 at 8:51 PM , Blogger WiscoKid said...

To me, the long wordy phrases that you speak of are written because I want my paper to sound smart, and not average. Its like, as long as I have a nice long, intelligent sounding sentence, it must fit. I also need to work on that. I guess writing is not for all of us.


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