Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Class Presentations

I thought both the other groups presented good studies and i found their findings interesting. The Destroyers presentation comparing Washingtonpost.com and Digg.com was thurough and i learned a few things. I have never been to either website, but I believe i could navigate either now. I personally liked the idea of Digg.com. It was a lot more informal and offered freedom in responses to articles. Also, there was a multitude of different types of media that can be accessed from this site. Obviously there are problems with credibility at this site, but the less credible sources were dispersed among credible ones. It really makes the viewer responsible for deciding what can be trusted and what can not. The Washington Post website had all if not nearly all reliable sources. I agree with what the group said about demographics for the two sites. Digg.com gives the impression that it is after a younger generation for its primary users with less restriction on comments and interesting multimedia.
The group that presented on campus libraries had some good information for me. I really don't go to libraries often. I just don't like to sit in the hard chairs and many libraries remind me of being back in class. I want what the group presented as the "thrid space". I need something comfrotable yet functional, which is why i go to Union South and study in the Fireside Lounge. There is comfortable seating there, some desks, some small couches and most importantly the fireplace. It's just more relaxing and less like a classroom, but I might check out some of the areas this group mentioned for the upcoming finals week.
On a sidenote, this weekend is Mifflin and yet again the forecast is calling for cold temps and rain, which is nothing new. Mifflin is that one party that signifies the end of the school year. It means the end is near, but finals are just around the corner as well. This weekend should be a relaxin fun one that prepares me for the insane last two weeks on campus.


At April 30, 2008 at 4:50 PM , Blogger dan81_dr said...

I found the idea of libraries being a third space interesting also. I have tried to study in more relaxed parts of libraries like the more comfortable chairs and couches, but for some reason I can never concentrate when I try to study there. Now I always try to sit in the more uncomfortable chairs at tables so that I can get work done. I guess the libraries know that people have different preferences for studying and thats why they offer so many different types of seating and furniture arrangements.


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