Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wk 2- "I've Been to the Mountaintop"

I've just decided today that I will be doing my rhetoric analysis on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I've been to the Mountaintop" speech. This speech caught my eye for a few simple reasons. First, it was recently Martin Luther King Junior Day. This was a man who truly deserves to be recognized for his deeds to better the human race. This was a man who believed justice could be obtained through non-violent means. This was a man stood up for his people even in the face of great opposition and danger to himself. Second, out of the speakers listed on the course homepage he was the man I knew the most about. His history is taught throughout the course of middle and high school. Last, but not least, as I scanned a few options, this one seemed to grab me and I truly felt a connection with what he was saying. True I was not there in the 1960's, but it is hard not to feel for those who did suffer and persevere. I wish I could sit here today and say that I would have had the courage to join his cause back then, but that time has come and gone and I figure, why not analyze what made this man such a riveting speaker instead. We’ve all undoubtedly have heard Martin Luther King Jr.’s “ I have a Dream” speech and who could deny the sense of raw passion and devotion that streams forth from the pages. “I’ve been to the mountaintop”, seems after the first read to be less of powerful speech, but certainly a deeply moving set of prose that stir a man’s character and soul out from the shadow’s into the righteousness of which Luther speaks. I enjoyed the first read of this piece and look forward to breaking down the reasons it appeals to me so very strongly.

Until next time, farewell!


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